If I want to manage (e.g. replace tags by others) my custom field choices (of type predefined tag list) I need to search a long time because they are not sorted alphabetically. Please sort them alphabetically.
Ability to select the display order or placement of all the fields for both ideas and features that are displayed in Aha!
Today the idea or feature description is at the bottom of the display and it requires you to scroll down for the description. Can we control the placement of all of the fields which display for Ideas & Features including custom fields and idea...
Charlene Brennan
about 9 years ago
in Account settings
Already exists
Would it be possible to have the ability to archive products or product lines once we are complete with a project say after 6 months rather than delete it? Main reason is as we progress the number of products/product lines is getting to be excessi...
Preserve history when converting from one object type to another
Currently when an object is converted to another object type from within Aha! the history is cleared on the new object (Initiative to Master Feature, for example)
From an audit and logging perspective it would be preferable if the history was pres...
Justin Woods
almost 7 years ago
in Account settings
Already exists
It would be great if we could mark Comments and Notes as private or restricted based on the User's email domain (or something) so that teams who work with external clients (like my firm does) can still have "internal conversations" within Aha but ...
jenny miller
almost 10 years ago
in Account settings
Already exists
Because a product can only be assigned to one Product Line, we have a flat product line that consists of ~20 products. When choosing a product from the top left filter, the products should be sorted in alphabetical order to allow me to quickly fin...
Our Product selector list is getting long - would like to see a way to collapse it based on product lines or business groups.
We have different business groups with products in Aha and right now, everyone has to scroll through everyone else's to get to theirs. I would like to see a way for a pop-out or similar that once you hit a Product line, you get a menu of the produ...
Me and my team would really benefit from having the opportunity to set our own scorecard as the default scorecard when creating a new product. Many of us can create new products and the chance is big that someone miss to change the scorecard after...
Ability to specify certain fields (standard and custom) as mandatory at the Product level.
Users are creating features without start/end dates. Teams are viewing progress in Gantt custom roadmaps and the new items do not show in the Gantt so stand a good chance of going un-noticed. Would be nice to set specific fields (custom or standar...
Raji Varun
about 6 years ago
in Account settings
Already exists
When creating and modifying Personas in Aha!, there is an ability to create/modify custom fields on the Persona via the "Manage fields" menu link. When I click on that link, I am navigated to the Custom fields screen within the Account settings. I...