Add and remove standard fields in a custom field layout
I would like to add and remove standard fields in a custom field layout for features and initiatives. I can add custom fields to a custom field layout today, but I cannot add or remove any of the standard fields in the custom field layout. So basi...
It would be great if it would be possible to add our own tabs in the new layout, especially for Features. With some custom fields, the Overview tab gets filled up quite quickly and it's hard to spot the field you need, you scroll up and down and s...
Automation: Make it easier to copy the same rules into many workspaces
Automation is nice, but it quickly is becoming tedious copying and moving generic rules across even the limited number (12) of workspaces I manage. Creating one rule and copying to each workspace takes maybe 10-15 minutes or so? That is just slow ...
I would like to be able to copy a custom field, for example from Features to Requirements. I have several custom fields for Feature, then when I want to create a requirement from Aha! it complains those custom fields are not available,
When editing Tags list on "Config Tags" page, having the ability to bulk edit Tags (Delete specifically) would be very handy as the tags list could become very lengthy and removing multiple tags (with a criteria e.g. Tag starting with RFP#) takes ...
We would like to be able to create a template workspace (with premade goals, initiatives, etc.) and be able to clone it for our Product Owners to use. This will allow them to hit the ground running and create a consistent look and feel for their w...
When a user logs into Aha!, the first page they see is the page "How Aha! works". Our users are reporting that this is confusing, as they want to navigate to a page within the product itself (i.e. Feature Board or Releases Overview"). Users arrivi...