We rearranged the product structure in aha.io and now there is a need to set new user rights for all of our users. It is quite time consuming one by one.
Antti Toivonen
over 8 years ago
in User management
Provide ability to delete portal users that have not been verified or accessed the system
If portal users are pre-populated, there will be instances where some of them are no longer with the company, or otherwise never going to be using the ideas portal, and their names should be able to be deleted from the list of portal users. In gen...
I want all of our employees to access our internal idea board, they all have a Google Apps account. Our dev team said that this would need to be set up on the Aha side.
OpenID Connect (http://openid.net/connect/) is the modern variant of SAML, and should be supported for SSO login for aha itself as well as for idea portals. OIDC is simpler to setup than SAML, and it is possible that a wider range of Identity Prov...
Jørgen Binningsbø
over 7 years ago
in User management
Please add in additional options for visibility in portals. There are currently two options, Default or all ideas come in under a specific selection. I would like to be able to decide how an idea acts in a portal for an Aha! user, Employee, and Po...
Default visibility of comments on a publicly visible idea
We have set up our idea portal to have new ideas not be visible on the portal until they are approved. We were wondering if it is possible to do the same for the comments left on those ideas within the portal. We would like to monitor all activity...
I'd like to be able to add custom prompts for each field that is required so the user knows the type of input I need for the idea. Still evaluating AHA to be selected as the company project management tool and having this ability to "templatize" t...
When adding users,
the ability to select all/none products/product lines and de-select (or select) one at a time. Even
with the ability for users to inherit roles, the user's role isn't
auto-populated at the product level below the product line (v...
You ought to be able to perform the same action on a selection of ideas portal users. Here's a scenario I recently encountered:I created an ideas portal for someone else's project. In advance of that person announcing the project and calling for f...
What is the challenge? Added 2,000+ users and did not click on Yes to send the email. What is the impact? Need to send out an email with the portal link, bypassing the nice Invitation mail Describe your idea Add an option to the Users tab on the I...