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My ideas: Pivotal Tracker

Showing 18

ability to add calculated fields to pivot report

Today, we can add calculated column (and edit the required formula) to a list report, there is a need to see the data of these calculated columns also in pivot report, but that is not available..
Ronit Binshtok over 2 years ago in Pivotal Tracker 1 Already exists

Pivotal Stories added to Epics converted to Requirements in Features

The Pivotal integration is good, but fails to capture a common case for us. Our teams often add new Stories to Epics that are essentially Requirements on the corresponding Feature. We track progress through these Stories/Requirements. Right now, t...
Christopher M almost 4 years ago in Pivotal Tracker 0 Future consideration

Link Aha! feature to an already existing pivotal story

It would benefit users who are trying to clean up a project that already exists. There may be information captured in pivotal that would be time-consuming to replicate.
Guest about 6 years ago in Pivotal Tracker 1 Will not implement

Pivotal Tracker Integration Mapping

It would be helpful if one of the mapping options with Pivotal Tracker could include the following options: Master Feature to Epic Feature to Story Requirement to Task Instead, the only option for mapping to Epics in PT is to use Initiatives. Th...
Tom Beck over 6 years ago in Pivotal Tracker 1 Future consideration

Ability to Create Integration Templates for Pivotal Tracker

The integration templates for Jira have saved me TONS of time. I would love the ability to lean on templates for all of my Pivotal Tracker integrations as well.
Guest over 6 years ago in Pivotal Tracker 0 Will not implement

Track dependencies in Pivotal Tracker using Blockers

How this would work: If an Aha ticket has "depends on" links Add the Pivotal Tracker ID for each Depended on ticket in AHA that has already been pushed to Pivotal Tracker blocker sections See PT API document here:
Kelly Kampen over 7 years ago in Pivotal Tracker 0 Unlikely to implement

One Product, Multiple Projects in Pivotal Tracker

A lot of our features have multiple components that correspond to different projects in Pivotal Tracker. Right now I can only sync my product with a single project in PT, which means I don't get to take much advantage of the integration. I keep a...
Guest over 8 years ago in Pivotal Tracker 1 Already exists

When sending a Release to Pivotal Tracker, items are added to the backlog in reverse order

Items are prioritized in Aha's release area by the Product Manager. When sending the release to Pivotal Tracker, the Stories that appear in PT are in reverse order, meaning the engineering team must spend time comparing lists to fix the order. I e...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Pivotal Tracker 1 Will not implement

Sending Feature to Pivotal Tracker should send story point Estimate

When Story Points are added to a story in PT, they are updated in Aha. This is great. However, it would also be nice if the Feature estimate in Aha (if specified in Story Points) was also sent to PT when the feature is pushed using the Action ->...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Pivotal Tracker 0 Already exists

Setup integrations on Product Lines

It would be very nice to setup our pivotal tracker integration on a product line. That way if a ticket moves between products in that product line it retains the integration that was configured for it.
Jason Novek over 9 years ago in Pivotal Tracker 3 Unlikely to implement