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Automation rule to update already integrated records

Currently, automation rules provide the ability to send an Aha! record through an integration based on the record being updated in a specific way. We would like for the ability to push updates to already integrated records in the same way. This is...
Hank Liu about 1 month ago in Integrations 0 Likely to implement

Notify users that Rally projects may take a long time to load when creating an integration

What is the challenge? Experiencing a significant lag (5 minutes+) when setting up Rally integrations. During the project selection step, the page appears to hang because it is loading significant volumes of projects and related settings from Rall...
Dale Potter about 1 month ago in Rally 0 Likely to implement

Text from Azure DevOps into custom fields shows with HTML elements

What is the challenge? When syncing a "text" custom field with Azure DevOps it shows the text with HTML elements What is the impact? It makes the custom field text difficult to read Describe your idea Ensure text custom fields convert HTML tags wh...
Guest 4 months ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 0 Likely to implement

Integrate ideas with Jira

What is the challenge? Companies that use both Jira and Aha! ideas must go through extra steps to send information between the two systems. For example, if a small fix comes in as an Aha! idea, it must first be promoted to a feature or requirement...
Kelly Sebes 5 months ago in Ideas / Jira 4 Likely to implement

Customize fields in the Slack integration

Who would benefit? Internal stakeholders giving feedback to product teams What impact would it make? Reduce overhead in editing ideas once they have been pushed to Aha through the Slack integration How should it work? When creating an idea using t...
Guest 8 months ago in Slack 0 Likely to implement

Ability to map constants to custom fields in Github

Who would benefit? Anyone with a Github integration What impact would it make? Right now, the only way to prevent unhandled errors is to research the backend technical ID's and map those as constant values to send choice values over as a constant ...
Stephanie Lechner 11 months ago in GitHub 1 Likely to implement

Enhance Slack Aha! integration with AI to support 1-click 'Send to Aha! as a feature/idea'

Every day, often many times each day, there is some conversation in Slack that results in the need to turn that conversation into a feature. This is a tedious, boring task, the saps me of my PM mojo 😞 I want my mojo back 🚀 ChatGPT and other AI lan...
Todd Meyer about 1 year ago in Application / Features / Ideas / Slack 0 Likely to implement

Slack integration does not distinguish between internal vs external user

I created the integration to Slack so I can have messages posted when a new idea is created. However, I cannot tell whether the user is internal or external.
Guest almost 3 years ago in Ideas portal / Slack 0 Likely to implement

Support parent-child moving across workspaces and Jira projects

In the Aha! we have Features that reference a parent Epic in another workspace. In Jira we have issues that are children of an Epic in another project. This cross workspace/project relationship is supported in Aha! and Jira, but the integration do...
Michael Bruner almost 3 years ago in Integrations 4 Likely to implement

Customise Aha! to Slack output

When, for example, an idea is created within aha! and the integration alerts a slack channel of this entry, it would be good to be able to customise the output of that notification and remove unwanted fields.
Guest over 3 years ago in Slack 2 Likely to implement