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Features and Epics should move to integrated parent Release upon updates

What is the challenge? If you introduce Version<>Release mapping to an existing integration or you link a record to an existing Jira record, subsequent updates are creating a new Aha! release (linked to the Jira issues's Fixed Version) but t...
Stephanie Lechner 8 days ago in Jira 0 Planning to implement

Allow switching between integration templates if they are integrated with the same project

What is the challenge? As part of a migration, we are planning to change existing integrations and switch from using "Template A" to "Template B". The challenge is that "Template B" is not available for selection unless it is integrated with the s...
Dale Potter 26 days ago in Integrations 1 Planning to implement

New "child" records not imported from Jira

What is the challenge? Records are being skipped in the Jira integration if they are linked to a parent record in another workspace. This happens specifically when the webhook to create the child record includes the parent record. What is the impa...
Dale Potter about 1 month ago in Jira 0 Planning to implement

Support Azure DevOps integrations for parent and child records across workspaces

What is the challenge? When a parent or a child record is moved to another workspace in Aha! it will no longer update via integrations due to the child and parent existing in different workspaces in Aha! What is the impact? Integrations break when...
Justin Paulson about 1 month ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 0 Planning to implement

Support parent/child relationships for records integrated on different tools or instances

What is the challenge? Scenario 1: A parent initiative in Aha! is integrated with Jira instance 1 A child epic in Aha! is integrated with Jira instance 2 Scenario 2: A parent initiative in Aha! is integrated with Rally A child epic in Aha! is inte...
Dale Potter about 2 months ago in Integrations 0 Planning to implement

Update Microsoft Teams integration to not use connectors

Microsoft is deprecating Office 365 Connectors: Please update the Microsoft Teams integration to support workflows or a new app entirely. De...
Nathaniel Collum 2 months ago in Integrations 0 Planning to implement

Improve formatting of Slack messages

Who would benefit? Internal Users What impact would it make? Improved Team Visibility and Communication How should it work? Concise format instead of tabular messages, ability to create filters
Guest 7 months ago in Slack 0 Planning to implement

Provide error if the Jira webhook "Exclude body" checkbox is selected

When configuring a webook in Jira, there is a checkbox: ☐ "Exclude body" Request with empty body will be sent to the URL. Leave unchecked if you want to receive JSON. If someone accidentally checks that, Aha! won't get any updates. There is no log...
Emily Yankush almost 2 years ago in Jira 0 Planning to implement

Allow integrations such as Jira at the Product Line level

Integrations may be common across products within the same product line. It would save time and the possibility to make setup mistakes if these integrations can be setup one level higher
Steve C over 2 years ago in Jira 5 Planning to implement

Add 2-way integration mapping for release start and end dates

Release start date can currently only be mapped 1-way from Aha! to Jira (or any development system.) This is because that date used to be calculated based on features and phases in the release. Now that this date is set manually, it should be poss...
Austin Merritt over 4 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server  / Integrations / Jira / Rally 3 Planning to implement