Add "Idea votes" and "Account" to the list of idea fields that can be mapped to Jira
What is the challenge? We cannot see information on the account that an idea came from or how many votes an idea has in Jira What is the impact? Product Manager's time is wasted going back and forth to remember where an idea came from or to pass t...
Sending child records to one ADO project should not error out if parent record is integrated to a different Workspace and ADO project
What is the challenge? Users are now able to support linking work between multiple Aha! workspaces and multiple ADO projects with parent/child relationships spanning this; however one scenario is producing an error. When a parent record is integra...
What is the challenge? What Project Name is an integration connecting to for Rally Integrations What is the impact? Cannot create a list report showing what Project Name is an integration connecting to in Rally Describe your idea Add the 'Project'...
Mike Jacobson
4 months ago
in Rally
Future consideration
What is the challenge? I work in a G suite company where all my work funnels those tools. What is the impact? I do not check or follow-up on Aha! to-dos because I don't have regular visibility. Describe your idea Allow a two-way integration betwee...
Rally Project name change should be reflecting in the Aha! Integration
What is the challenge? Rally Project name is updated but the project name is not updating in the Aha Integration Project Tab? What is the impact? Users see the wrong project name in the Aha integration and think they need to create a new integrati...
Mike Jacobson
9 months ago
in Rally
Already exists
The ability to review previously ignored integration candidates and undo the ignore
What is the challenge? Once you ignore an integration candidate, it is ignored forever unless you manually import or link the ignored record. If someone ignores a record by mistake there is no recourse to review those potential errors and correct ...
Stephanie Lechner
4 months ago
in Jira
Future consideration
OneDrive Integration is not currently allowing files to be attached to Aha! Records
What is the challenge? OneDrive Integration is not currently allowing files to be attached to Aha! Records What is the impact? Users are unable to add files from their OneDrive as part of the integration, so they have to find other ways to upload ...
Scott Vonderharr
24 days ago
in Integrations
Planning to implement
What is the challenge? We have a Jira-Aha integration template that span across multiple Aha workspaces. When we change the integration template (add/remove fields for instance) we need to sync data between Jira and Aha to ensure both systems are ...
Dependency Relationship Removed does not Update Aha or vice versa
What is the challenge? If a dependency relationship is removed in Azure DevOps, it does not remove it in Aha. If a dependency relationship is removed in Aha, it does not remove it in Azure DevOps. What is the impact? Have to go to both systems to ...
10 days ago
in Integrations
Future consideration
Azure DevOps Integration - Sync dependencies at UserStories/Requirements level
What is the challenge? Currently, Aha integration with ADO syncs dependencies at Features level only. We need to also be able to sync the dependencies at Requirements/UserStories level.Including dependencies between Features and User Stories. What...