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My votes: Ideas portal

Showing 430

Hide Idea Categories From Portals

We have two portals, one for internal users and one for customers. The customer portal only needs a simple list of categories - no children categories. The customer portal is submit only. For the staff portal, after a product manager has looked at...
Guest over 9 years ago in Ideas / Ideas portal 9 Future consideration

Private Portal self-registration for users that are not employees

THis statement from your documentation is the issue: "Private ideas portal users Users can only register for a private portal if they use an email address that belongs to one of the domains included in the Employee portal setting." THere should be...
Christopher L over 4 years ago in User management 3 Future consideration

Ability to edit Idea Portal comments in a portal

Idea portal comments cannot be edited by their author. This functionality would be useful to prevent having to add an additional comment to make corrections/amendments.
Guest almost 8 years ago in Ideas portal 10 Future consideration

Customize email templates by idea status

Our team has multiple statuses for ideas. We would like the ability to send a customized email message based on that specific status. Currently Aha only has a "general" status notification email. We would like to extend this as our portal is setup...
Guest over 5 years ago in Branding 8 Future consideration

Idea Portal: add multiple tags and/or categories when submitting an idea

Currently, users can only select one tag and one category. It would be very helpful for users to be able to add multiple tags and categories.
Guest about 9 years ago in Ideas portal 11 Future consideration

Allow Full Customization of Email Template

As I lead design + product at my company, I'd love to be able to have full control over the contents of the email templates that are sent via Aha. Currently the content is injected into what seems to be a pre-existing template and the large logo i...
Guest over 5 years ago in Branding 7 Future consideration

Like idea comment

It would avoid redundant comments if we could simply 'Like' comments. A Like counter would indicate how many others sympathized with the point made. It would be ideal to see who else liked the comment.
Melissa Johnson over 7 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Ideas portal should show names for votes not photos

users rarely have cute picture for their user photo when i look at who voted on an idea all i see is the same default user icon repeated many times, it looks like the unabomber voted for an idea 8 times the names are there, but i have to hover ove...
Guest about 8 years ago in Ideas portal 2 Future consideration

Ideas Portal custom fields that are only visible to Employees/Partners or higher

Currently (as far as I can see) you can only set custom fields in the Ideas Portal to be public (all logged in users) or private (AHA users). There isn't the ability to hide a field from the public and only show it to Employees/Partners or AHA use...
Andrew Badge about 9 years ago in User management 4 Future consideration

Customizable Order of Idea Categories

Customizable ordering of categories would allow me put categories in an order that works for me, such as by priority or significance. Case in point: I want a catch-all called "Other" but it shows up in the middle of my list, not at the bottom wher...
Tom Beck over 8 years ago in Ideas portal 5 Future consideration