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Filter columns in the Prioritization view

The Prioritization view for ideas and features provides the ability to filter the Unranked section using filters. For the main list of records in the Prioritization view it would be helpful to filter by any of the columns displayed in the view. Th...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Reports 13 Shipped
184 VOTE

Release and Feature Management Change Log Reports

Product teams are commonly measured on providing a predictable delivery of features for a planned release and need to report on change metrics such as the number of Features added to a release after the release has been approved for development an...
Matt Case about 7 years ago in Reports 15 Shipped
166 VOTE

The ability to use the same filter more than once in advanced filters

It would be great to have the ability to use the same filter more than once when using advanced filter logic. For example:I want to filter a set of features that all have the tag “Dashboard” but then a subgroup that DON’T have the tag “Admin”.
Jessica Groff over 6 years ago in Reports 35 Shipped

Make prioritization available for Initiatives

I'm a big fan of the new prioritization view that's available for Epics and Features. I'd like to be able to do the same thing for Initiatives and Goals. Tradeoffs often have to be made and this view will be excellent for doing that!
Sophia Papadopoulos almost 2 years ago in Reports 6 Shipped
160 VOTE

Set a default view from saved views

Would like the ability to set default views for things like Workflows (e.g. epic and task boards) from saved views for multiple users, regardless of what product is currently selected.
Guest over 7 years ago in Reports 26 Shipped
166 VOTE

Show dependencies in the Custom Roadmap

We have an internal technology group that releases core functionality that other products are dependent on. I need to be able to show that to the execs so they can visually understand one of the internal constraints of delivering the product. This...
Aldon C over 9 years ago in Reports 8 Shipped

Add progress calculation method in list report to enable portfolio data quality monitoring

In order to monitor data quality within our portfolio, it would be useful to add the calculation method (e.g. enter manually, calculate from child objectives, calculate from releases, etc...) in the columns available in list report. This would be ...
Rudy Hallez about 1 year ago in Reports 1 Shipped

Please restore list functionality under ideas, epics and features

Our PMs are quite unhappy with recent retraction of lists they used regularly under the idea and feature tabs (and they had also called it a bug that it was not working under Epics as well). They believe local admins disabled navigation or broke t...
Kevin Martin almost 2 years ago in Reports 2 Shipped
115 VOTE

Schedule delivery of reports

I would like to update the management on a regular base on the status. It would be great if I can schedule this report, so it is automatically sent to the management i.e. every friday morning.
Guest almost 7 years ago in Reports 23 Shipped

Allow capacity report to be configured using story points

We are a mature Agile team that uses story points exclusively to estimate the work done in each sprint. The new capacity report feature rollout is excellent, but it does not allow for story points to be used as the method of estimation for a sprin...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Capacity planning / Reports 14 Shipped