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Make report results workspace user role agnostic

As a user of AHA Roadmap I want to see all data in a report regardless of my user role in that Workspace so all users who access the report see consistent data. As authority to see information under a Workspace is depending on the user's role in t...
Guest about 1 year ago in Reports 1 Will not implement

Reporting Sort Options for Custom Fields

Categorical values, such as in a custom field with a pre-defined choice list, are by default sorted alphabetically in reports. However, in many instances there's a preferred or implicit ordering of categorical values. For example, the sequence "co...
Matt Case over 8 years ago in Reports 4 Will not implement

Filter Calendar report by release and/or release phase

Todos are a great way of capturing the meta work that needs to be performed within a release. Currently todos can be created at the release level and also at the release phase level too. It would be great if there was a way to filter by release th...
Justin Woods almost 7 years ago in Reports 0 Will not implement

Ability to count total number of objects within a product

It would be really useful to be able to list/count the total number of objects (requirements, features, master features, releases, initiatives, goals) across one or more products in a single pivot report. This could be done by making a product in ...
Guest about 6 years ago in Reports 0 Will not implement

Filter related views lists as I type

It'd be nice to filter as I type. When there's a lot of saved views and I'm looking for something, I'm not always exactly sure the name. This would help the discover process.
John Bohn over 7 years ago in Reports 0 Will not implement

Don't Group By Filters when the field isn't in the Report

When you add filters to a report like "Goals" and a feature is associated with more than 1 goal it duplicates the lines in the report. However, when the field that you are filtering on is NOT in the data set it shouldn't be grouping by this field ...
Guest almost 8 years ago in Reports 1 Will not implement

Color the texts in the reports based on the status

We create road maps based on epics and create pivot reports. It will be great if we can have the text color coded based on status for us to show if the Epics are going to be achieved, targeted or if it at risk
Guest over 7 years ago in Reports 3 Will not implement

Add timestamp to exports

For PDF and image export, include a timestamp. Give user ability to turn on or off.
Guest over 7 years ago in Reports 0 Will not implement