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Shareable Webpage Enhancements

What is the challenge? Cannot access description details added to a report when viewing via Sharable Webpage. Cannot export data from a Shareable Webpage. What is the impact? I utilize a Shareable Webpage because my reports span across multiple wo...
Guest 1 day ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

excel reports to download with numbers without having to format

What is the challenge? What is the impact? Describe your idea
Guest 9 days ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Include images when exporting to excel

What is the challenge? When exporting a list report that includes the description field. Images embedded in the description field are not included in the export to excel. What is the impact? Any additional context or information contained in the i...
Stuart Blair 22 days ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Export to Excel Without Underlying Code and More Formatting

What is the challenge? when exporting to excel, the underlying code makes the true data hard to read and takes a lot of manipulation What is the impact? less effective exports to work with the data Describe your idea Add Export Settings to Aha for...
Guest 22 days ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

In advanced filters with OR groups, ensure options are filtered down in the correct group and not globally

What is the challenge? When using two or more OR subgroups with advanced filters, if the same filter, such as workspace name, is used in both groups, other filter options will be narrowed down to the workspace(s) selected in the first filter group...
Maria Plotkina 25 days ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Wrap series labels on charts

What is the challenge? Using long phrases on charts What is the impact? the phrase is not wrapped and the label loosing meaning Describe your idea wrap long series labels to show more of the text
Jake Hawkes 30 days ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Be able to apply multiple sorting rules in a list report

What is the challenge? I would love to apply multiple sorting rules in a list report. (IE first sort by date, then by Status) What is the impact? Cleaner reporting to prioritize a list better Describe your idea I would love to apply multiple sorti...
Mary Daul about 1 month ago in Reports 0 Already exists

Ability to include Epic and Feature card positions in user story maps in List Reports as columns

What is the challenge? user story maps are not listed as available data objects nor attributes telling how contained epics and features are sorted within these user story maps. So far we can only reconcile which user story map contains which epic ...
Pascal B about 2 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Add ability to bulk remove assigned users from a record

What is the challenge? When users are disabled within the account, they are visible in list reports within the assigned to and user custom fields. The bulk edit function does not allow for the removal of these users in the report. What is the impa...
Ashley Tierney about 2 months ago in Reports 0 Already exists

Consistent or universal date format for drill-ins on shared reports

What is the challenge? Date fields on report drill-ins appear with a numeric format set by the report owner's locale setting that is not globally intelligible, e.g., '1/4/25', nor is it consistent with format of the date that displays within the r...
Tim Sachs about 2 months ago in Reports 1 Future consideration