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206 VOTE

History for Reports

We use reports often to tailor Aha data for different audiences. Recently, those audiences have been looking for summaries of how the data in that specific view has changed over time. The changes can be pieced together manually by looking through...
Zach Rose about 8 years ago in Reports 27 Future consideration
163 VOTE

user activity export and reporting

I like the user activity log, but it is very limited. Basic need: Ability to export the user activity to excel or csv file. This is should done by the user and the administrator for a specific users. Mainly for audit and review changes made by...
Guest over 7 years ago in Reports 30 Future consideration

Advanced Permission for Report creators

When I create a Roadmap or a report, I am effectively the owner. I can change any aspect of that report. However, at times I may be building it for someone else to use and manage, and I want the ability to change the ownership of that report at a ...
Andrew Brooks about 5 years ago in Reports 14 Future consideration

Password protection for "Share as webpage"

Previously, we heavily used the "notebooks" feature to publish a scrollable webpage view of our feature lists for our Engineering teams that we didn't want to give access to our main Aha account. Now that "notebooks" have morphed into "presentatio...
Guest over 5 years ago in Reports 21 Future consideration

Ability to hide colums from list view when using Calculation columns

New Calculation column in List view is a great improvement. When creating List reports it would help to make the report more 'clean' if you could hide the source columns from the report and only show the Calculated columns. This would be similar f...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Reports 4 Future consideration

Report on a value's historic values

Enable the user to report on the values of a field based on its history. maybe a calculated field property where you indicate the field and the version back for that field. History(Custom_Field1,1) would show the value of that field one change bac...
Steve Podzamsky over 4 years ago in Reports 6 Future consideration

Bulk deleting of reports

Over time, a large number of the reports generated for business purposes become obsolete/useless due to changes in data. The ability to delete more than one report at a time. It is very tedious to delete large numbers of reports one by one.
Guest about 6 years ago in Reports 7 Future consideration

Pivot changes - adjust calculation row and/or column independently

Currently with a Pivot chart you can choose to include a Total row AND column. For many pivot charts, only one of these makes sense and the other is useless space wasting data.
Greg Lyons almost 4 years ago in Reports 4 Future consideration

Support "NULL" checks for calculated columns

When you are using calculated columns, and want to check if a 'value type' field such as a date is null, there isn't a clean way of comparing the value to null. For example: If a date is blank, return "Not set", else return the date formatted as a...
Guest over 5 years ago in Reports 3 Future consideration

Allow the recipient of a presentation to apply their own filters

Large organizations are struggling with sharing the same report, with a very large amount of data, with multiple audiences.  Each audience is only interested in a subset of the data in the same report (ie. their own particular product family,...
Deirdre Clarke over 6 years ago in Reports 4 Future consideration