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In Develop, marking a card as 'Blocked' should NOT automatically add the card to the current sprint

What is the challenge? Cards may need to be marked as 'blocked' prior to entering a sprint, to show us that the work is not yet ready to enter a sprint during sprint planning. What is the impact? By automatically entering the sprint when a card is...
Guest 2 months ago in Features 2 Already exists

Export Roadmap as excel

What is the challenge? Unable to export the roadmap in the excel format What is the impact? I have to manually copy all the details from aha to excel. Describe your idea User can export the roadmap to an excel sheet. Update the sheet and import it...
Guest 3 months ago in Features / Reports 0 Already exists

Remove mistakenly added additional Integration

What is the challenge? If adding additional Integration to workitem in Aha, I need to go through the whole process of first creating an additional integration (even if it is not needed) before I can remove the added one. Potential, unwanted side e...
Mats Hultgren 5 months ago in Features 1 Already exists

Will not implement status should not show on priority list

What is the challenge? Trying to keep an accurate priority list What is the impact? Priority list for stories/features Describe your idea Only stories/features that you are actually going to do should be on the priority list. Not will not implemen...
Guest 5 months ago in Features 0 Already exists

I would like to be able to organize custom fields by moving them to other "tabs" on Feature tickets.

What is the challenge? I have too many custom fields on one page when opening a Feature What is the impact? It takes me too long to scroll through the Feature to find the field I need Describe your idea I need to be able to organize custom fields ...
Guest 7 months ago in Features 0 Already exists

Customize the "Add features" pop-up

What is the challenge? When adding a feature, only certain fields are shown in the pop-up, requiring users to add the feature, then click on the card to complete the other fields associated with the feature. How would you solve it? Allow owners to...
Guest 7 months ago in Features 0 Already exists

Allow users to add existing features to User story maps.

Who would benefit? Users who create in both places What impact would it make? Helps PMs tell the story better for previously defined work How should it work? Steps User on User story maps selects map to which they wish to add the feature (new) use...
Guest 7 months ago in Features 1 Already exists

Force rank epics across multiple releases

Who would benefit? Everyone What impact would it make? It would allow proper prioritization for roadmap grooming How should it work? It should allow you to categorize master features in some way not connected to releases, and assign the a rank tha...
RICH O'FARRELL 7 months ago in Features 0 Already exists

Add "Copy URL" under Share button for all item types

Who would benefit? Everyone What impact would it make? Share links to goals, initiatives, features, etc much easier. Also, it would make copying and pasting items to whiteboards much easier. How should it work? I often share links to Aha! Roadmap ...
Alexey Zimarev 9 months ago in Features 1 Already exists

Option to sort cards in reverse

Who would benefit? All Users What impact would it make? Save lots of time How should it work? If you have 30 releases already released like we have, you have to scroll multiple times to the right every time you open the page to get to the newest r...
Ryan V 9 months ago in Features 2 Already exists