What is the challenge? Currently the text overlaps the circles on the vision components when you have a lot of text in it. We should reduce the character limit if we can't elegantly show that much text. What is the impact? Too much text looks bad ...
Emily Yankush
16 days ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Hide Goals, Initiatives and Releases with "Will Not Do" Status from selection
What is the challenge? High level items marked "will not do" are still available for selection What is the impact? It makes it harder to search and find work that is currently relevant, creates additional noise and effort for colleagues Describe y...
18 days ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Allow additional record information for prioritization view filtering and adding of columns
Today, the prioritization views for ideas, initiatives, and features only allow information from a record directly associated with the record that is being prioritized. For example, if I am prioritizing ideas, I can only bring in data from ideas a...
Amanda K
18 days ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Allow removing "Success metric" from View layout on Goals when OKRs are enabled
When OKRs are enabled in a workspace, it is possible to fully remove the "Success metric" field from the Create version of a Goals layout. On the View layout, that field can be hidden, but cannot be removed entirely. This should be possible so the...
Maria Plotkina
18 days ago
in Strategy
Planning to implement
What is the challenge? I am unable to create a report on todos on Key Results. When I attempt to create a report with Todos as the primary record, Key Results are not an option for the secondary record. What is the impact? I am unable to track tod...
Bonnie Trei
about 1 month ago
in Strategy
Planning to implement
What is the challenge? We build User/Client journeys a lot; having a standardized template would fastrack it What is the impact? Standardize processes Describe your idea Build a user journey template that would be integrated with the story map view
about 1 month ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Block adding children to closed or cancelled objects.
What is the challenge? Users are able to associate new features/epics to closed or cancelled initiatives What is the impact? Reporting on end dates for the parent is not reliable Describe your idea Force users to reopen parent OR select an alterna...
Melissa Miller
about 1 month ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Report on the contribution of a release towards the progress of a goal or initiative
Very often goals' and initiatives' progress will be calculated from the completion of features contributed to them, which will span multiple releases. It would be great to be able to natively report on the contribution towards the progress of the ...
about 1 month ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Currently, there's not a streamlined way for features to inherit their goals from initiatives as it requires many automation rules. Recently an enhancement was made to allow features to inherit their goals from the epic. It would be ideal if a sim...
about 1 month ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
What is the challenge? When OKRs are enabled, there are 3 fields to track: Target metric Starting metric Current metric However, there is no ability to track changes to these values over time. The need is highest for the "Current metric" field. Wh...
Emily Yankush
about 1 month ago
in Strategy
Planning to implement