I would like a way to easily 'Roll-up' all the goals from a child record (i.e. feature) to the parent (i.e. release or epic) 'Send down' all the goals from the parent record to the children Currently, automation rules require a separate rule for a...
Kelly Sebes
about 5 years ago
in Strategy
Improve support for corporate OKRs (not individual)
There are options for tracking OKRs in Aha! however each has limitations. For example, currently, a goal can have a success metric -- which is similar to a key result. However each goal can only have a single success metric. OKRs in organizations ...
Deirdre Clarke
over 5 years ago
in Strategy
Move/copy personas and competitors from one product to another
I would like to be able to bulk move or copy personas from product lines/products to other product lines/products. A few scenarios where this is helpful:- I need the same personas across multiple products- I might be on the wrong product in the na...
Chris Waters
over 9 years ago
in Strategy
I want the ability to customize goal cards. There is often relevant information (and custom fields) that I need to easily see when I navigate to Strategy > Goals. It's already possible to customize initiative cards. Please add support for goals...
Nathaniel Collum
over 1 year ago
in Strategy
Add Competitors, Business Model, Personas and Vision to be terms which can be renamed under 'Terminology'.
Competitors is not hugely relevant for the large areas of the product organisation currently working with. However, being able to re-use competitors and it's charting capability to represent some strategically important to them is. For example, it...
Project Parker
over 7 years ago
in Strategy
Moving lots of initiatives from one product to another, or changing custom fields across multiple initiatives is a time consuming process, as there doesn't seem to be a simple way to bulk edit changes.
Make success metric field optional and/or remove field from Goals layout
Similar to every other field on a Goal record, I would like to be able to remove the ‘Success Metric’ field and/or make it optional on the create screen.
Enable sorting options for Features within the Initiative view
As a product manager, I need to customize sorting of features within an initiative so that they appear in an order that makes sense. Today, they sort alphabetically and I cannot change it. (Go to Strategy > Initiative then open an initiative th...
On our way to Initiative Roadmap Nirvana - Priority 3 of 3 - Ability to see the size of an initiative in story points or time
First, we LOVE the new Strategy / Roadmap option.
Our company maps features to epics, and requirements to user stories, so initiatives are exactly the level of detail we want to use to communicate with our executives, and also to communicate to th...