Who would benefit? any user that wants to utilize My Work for standardized notes What impact would it make? More efficient and standard notes How should it work? I would like to inherit custom templates or have a separate section for custom templa...
Jennifer Lange
over 1 year ago
in My work
New My work homepage is missing work request to-dos
The new My work page does not show work request to-dos. This is a problem because I use those all the time and want to see them here. If approval to-dos are also missing, they should be shown as well. The original My Work page "/user_dashboard/all...
Todd Meyer
over 1 year ago
in My work / To-dos
My Work view is great, except when you have To Dos across mulitple projects that are the same. I can only see a list of To Dos with the due date, but it would be so much more helpful to see what Schedule those are tied to. I have to drill into eac...
Joanna Boehme
about 2 years ago
in My work
Automatically add description from work request when accepting and promoting
When I create a work request, I add the details to the description field, and when it's accepted and promoted to an issue type, I would like to see the two description fields mapped so the content is easily accessible on a single screen that can t...
Nerissa Muijs
over 2 years ago
in My work / To-dos
Hide "Add epic" button on the features page of My work when Epics are disabled in the workspace
There has been a new update that allows users to create Features and/or Epics from the My work area. If Epics are not enabled for our account, users should not have the ability to create an Epic in this area (and they currently can). If we could u...
Megan Sanders
about 4 years ago
in My work
Once my requirement on a feature is complete, remove that feature from My Work page
If I own a requirement on a feature that someone else owns, I see this on the My Work page, which is great. My requirement is hidden in a drop down. Once I complete my requirement, I don't want to see the feature on My Work page anymore, because m...
My team utilizes the My Work area to stay on top of managing their Ideas, Features, To-Dos. But what's missing from this My Work area are the Initiatives and Goals. Given these can be assigned to a User it seems like a huge missing component of th...
Phil Warden
almost 5 years ago
in My work
Adding records from "My Work" screen should automatically assign to the selected user
Adding a feature from the "My Work" screen currently defaults to no assignee, so it doesn't show up on the list that it was expected to be added to, because it has no assignee.
It would be great to have a home page that is a customizable dashboard of all the key Aha! data I need to start my day or week. For example, I could add a view of my current week's editorial calendar activities, list my to-dos for the day/week so ...