What is the challenge? You cannot filter a workflow board in Aha! Develop via a records delivery risk. What is the impact? It would be helpful to only display records that are at risk (i.e. because the record has no estimate or assignee) so that t...
Add AI to the develop side in order to analyze backlogs, sprints, features etc.
What is the challenge? Would like to use AI to help find inconsistencies with backlog items, or analyze the efficiencies/inefficiencies of sprints What is the impact? AI has been added in several places in Aha! but not over in Develop. Describe yo...
Jennifer Lange
about 8 hours ago
in Development
Future consideration
Add ability to "move to top" or "move to bottom" of prioritized backlog
What is the challenge? If we have a high priority feature come in and we use the "send to prioritized backlog" function it automatically sends it to the bottom. Or if priorities have changed we have to hand drag items around in the prioritized bac...
Jennifer Lange
about 8 hours ago
in Backlogs
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Configuring Tab What is the impact? Formatting is Wrong Describe your idea Would be nice if the PBI portion of the Capabilities/PBIs tab was capitalized so it was formatted correctly. It should be PBIs, and not all lower case.
Links to a Specific Heading on a Different Page Not Always Working
What is the challenge? A given link on page A is supposed to take the user to a specific heading on page B. Clicking the link displays page B but not to the heading. What is the impact? Users are not taken to the correct information when clicking ...
Reduce the Amount of Time for the "Publish" Button to Appear
What is the challenge? Towards the end of a documentation project, many quick, minor edits are usually made on multiple pages. We have to wait 15 seconds for the Publish button to become available after the change. What is the impact? Wasted time ...
David Yelenchic
about 16 hours ago
in Knowledge base
Future consideration
Make the Preview button available for all users with edit access to Aha Knowledge
What is the challenge? We have editors working in Aha! Knowledge that would like to use the Preview button even if they don't have access to publishing, but the two seemed to be tied. What is the impact? Allows all editors to get a look at what th...
Jeremy Bruno
1 day ago
in Knowledge base
Likely to implement
What is the challenge? I track many todos in My work but I am unable to work through them in priority order. I am only able to sort by due date, workspace, or record. I would like to be able to see my most important todos first, regardless of due ...
Bonnie Trei
1 day ago
in My work
Future consideration
Create "Clear Font Size" Option (similar to Clear Stylings)
What is the challenge? We sometimes need to correct the font size. The Clear Styling Option does that, but it also clears any other stylings, such as bold and italics. We then have to reapply those stylings. What is the impact? Excessive time corr...
David Yelenchic
1 day ago
in Notes
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Add Workspace to Recycle Bin list What is the impact? Understanding from which Workspace the records were deleted. Describe your idea I would like to be able to see the Workspace a record sat on when it was deleted. We have ...
Leanne Miller
1 day ago
in Account settings
Future consideration