Create "Clear Font Size" Option (similar to Clear Stylings)
What is the challenge? We sometimes need to correct the font size. The Clear Styling Option does that, but it also clears any other stylings, such as bold and italics. We then have to reapply those stylings. What is the impact? Excessive time corr...
David Yelenchic
about 20 hours ago
in Notes
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Unable to have multiple broadcasts that can be rotated through on a timed carousel set up What is the impact? Would allow multiple broadcasts to loop through on the display showing each for a brief time so the user could see...
Carolee Snarr
2 days ago
in Application
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Add Workspace to Recycle Bin list What is the impact? Understanding from which Workspace the records were deleted. Describe your idea I would like to be able to see the Workspace a record sat on when it was deleted. We have ...
Leanne Miller
about 24 hours ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Formatting in Reporting What is the impact? Reports are not as easy to read and not shareable with Executive Team. Describe your idea Allow formatting of cell values across all reporting (we are specifically challenged with ...
Tim Sweeney
2 days ago
in Reports
Future consideration
What is the challenge? I track many todos in My work but I am unable to work through them in priority order. I am only able to sort by due date, workspace, or record. I would like to be able to see my most important todos first, regardless of due ...
Bonnie Trei
about 20 hours ago
in My work
Future consideration
What is the challenge? I want to include a callout box in a numbered list, but I can't. It's either making the whole list a callout box or when copying a callout box it's just taking the sentence, but not the box What is the impact? I cannot use c...
Michele Voth
1 day ago
in Knowledge base
Future consideration
What is the challenge? sometimes I have big callout boxes with a bulleted list, but it's not possible to include a bulleted list in there, just in front What is the impact? it would look more organized Describe your idea have the option of a bulle...
Michele Voth
1 day ago
in Knowledge base
Future consideration
When converting a requirement to a feature, if the original feature is in a shipped release, place the converted requirement in an unshipped release.
What is the challenge? I needed to break out a requirement in a feature that was already shipped (as was its release). However, when I converted the feature, it placed it in the shipped release. What is the impact? This new feature could have been...
Nathaniel Collum
2 days ago
in Features
Future consideration
Allow for automations that "match" multi-select fields
What is the challenge? We need to be able to automatically populate multi-select fields in lower-level item types based on the entries in top-level Ideas. Today we have to create individual automation rules to add and remove each individual list s...
3 days ago
in Features
Future consideration
What is the challenge? We have automations that push fields downstream to other item types. Since they can only be triggered when the top-level item is created or the field is edited, the automations are not pushing data to the lower levels becaus...
3 days ago
in Features
Future consideration