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Can "Restored from Draft" on Feature Descriptions be turned off?

What is the challenge? This Enhancement can make it difficult and poor user experience when trying to create a new Feature, not from a Draft. It would be nice if this functionality could be disabled/enabled by the user. What is the impact? All use...
Guest 4 days ago in Features 0 Will not implement
266 VOTE

Add Features to multiple initiatives

Many intiatives may benefit from some common functionality. If you could add a feature to multiple initiatives it would allow you to better track the impact of the feature across the entire business.
Guest over 9 years ago in Strategy 45 Will not implement

🐛 Figma links do not persist when accessed outside of a Develop environment

What is the challenge? The posted Figma links are no longer consistently showing up within features and requirements. While the Figma link exists, it appears empty when you view the record outside of a Develop environment. For example, you access ...
Kendall Wagner about 2 months ago in Features 0 Will not implement

Add option for adding use cases

What is the challenge? What is the impact? Describe your idea
Guest 3 months ago in Strategy 1 Will not implement

New design is ugly can I return the previous design?

Hate it. Why everyone trying to make all things on page bigger? I need more details on page not less.
Vladimir P over 1 year ago in Features 4 Will not implement

Clone a mockup

I'd like to be able to clone an existing mockup diagram, so that I can quickly do A/B variations of an idea.
Guest over 6 years ago in Mockups 2 Will not implement

Bug with Copy / Pasting in Whiteboards

Who would benefit? everyone What impact would it make? would permit Copy/Pasting... How should it work? Steps to Repro: Copy something using Cmd+C on Mac (from any source) Click on a Whiteboard table cell Press Cmd+V Expected Outcome: It pastes......
Marc Kirmoyan 11 months ago in Whiteboards 3 Will not implement

Track history of Release date changes

As the release date changes, it's hard to recreate history to figure out what the original date was along with interim dates and the final release date. It's also hard to remember the reasons for a change when it's several months later. I'd like a...
Aldon C over 8 years ago in Releases 1 Will not implement

Use Gravatar for user avatars

Simple one, use Gravatar instead of default image for your users if they haven't added a profile pic.
Guest about 10 years ago in Account settings 2 Will not implement

Search for Dropbox and Google Drive Files

Currently we have to wade through the file structures of dropbox and google drive to find a file to attach. Having the ability to search would hugely beneficial and almost necessary to make it useful. Drive also doesn't include files shared with m...
Kyle Carpenter over 8 years ago in Notes 2 Will not implement