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Automatically update strategy record time frame based on date range

What is the challenge? Time frames require manual entry and aren't impacted by the date ranges selected What is the impact? Save time and ensure accuracy of time frame fields for strategic records (goals and initiatives) Describe your idea Automat...
Terence Osmeña about 20 hours ago in Strategy 1 Future consideration

Add an Ideas Portal visibility setting that is for creator and voters

What is the challenge? When we archive ideas, we set the visibility to Creator so that the creator is able to see the results of his/her idea. However, if there were any votes on that item, it would be good for the voters to also see that idea and...
Guest 1 day ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

My Work -> To-Dos should more flexibility for filtering to-dos

What is the challenge? To-Dos that are never going to happen, because their underlying features have been deferred or rejected clutter up the To-Dos screen. What is the impact? The Todos screen is largely unusable, and I routinely miss important w...
Joe Telafici 2 days ago in My work 0 Future consideration

Do not automatically create record links when records are mentioned

What is the challenge? Users capture important details about an epic or feature in the description of the record, which is a note-type field. In some cases, the user needs to mention another record and does so using the "#" mention. Today, the men...
Guest 2 days ago in Features 0 Future consideration

[Document templates for epics, initiatiaves, features, ...]: Need a better workflow to assign document templates

What is the challenge? Epic templates (i.e. for the description) are currently managed under 'workflows'. Currently, there is no way to create a template for this, and use it in multiple workflows. Our current workaround is to create a document te...
Tobias H 2 days ago in Epic 0 Future consideration

Add risk filter to Aha! Develop boards

What is the challenge? You cannot filter a workflow board in Aha! Develop via a records delivery risk. What is the impact? It would be helpful to only display records that are at risk (i.e. because the record has no estimate or assignee) so that t...
Chris Quigley 5 days ago in Development 0 Future consideration

Add AI to the develop side in order to analyze backlogs, sprints, features etc.

What is the challenge? Would like to use AI to help find inconsistencies with backlog items, or analyze the efficiencies/inefficiencies of sprints What is the impact? AI has been added in several places in Aha! but not over in Develop. Describe yo...
Jennifer Lange 5 days ago in Development 3 Future consideration

Add ability to "move to top" or "move to bottom" of prioritized backlog

What is the challenge? If we have a high priority feature come in and we use the "send to prioritized backlog" function it automatically sends it to the bottom. Or if priorities have changed we have to hand drag items around in the prioritized bac...
Jennifer Lange 5 days ago in Backlogs 0 Future consideration

Reduce the Amount of Time for the "Publish" Button to Appear

What is the challenge? Towards the end of a documentation project, many quick, minor edits are usually made on multiple pages. We have to wait 15 seconds for the Publish button to become available after the change. What is the impact? Wasted time ...
David Yelenchic 5 days ago in Knowledge base 0 Future consideration

Allow me to prioritize my todos in "My Work"

What is the challenge? I track many todos in My work but I am unable to work through them in priority order. I am only able to sort by due date, workspace, or record. I would like to be able to see my most important todos first, regardless of due ...
Bonnie Trei 6 days ago in My work 0 Future consideration